we win in california

BaughmanMerrill helped Eleni Kounalakis and current HHS Secretary nominee Xavier Becerra become the first elected woman Lt. Governor and first elected Latino Attorney General respectively in California history. As Chief Strategists for Chinese American Controller Betty Yee, our work lifted her to a record-smashing re-election, where she banked over 8 million votes, making her the top vote-getter in the state and the nation in 2018. That same year, BaughmanMerrill mail, TV, and digital swept London Breed into San Francisco’s City Hall as the first African American woman elected Mayor.
As one of California’s top statewide vote-getting managers for initiative campaigns and referendums, Katie ran the field operation that successfully defeated Big Oil backed Prop. 23 , while Duane’s mail framed Texas oil companies as the boogie man behind the 2010 measure that would have rolled back California’s landmark climate change law. As Chief Strategist for Prop. 35, the anti-human trafficking initiative, Katie racked up over 10 million votes—more than any other initiative in U.S. history—with the help of Duane’s mail.
BaughmanMerrill teamed up with the late Congresswoman Ellen Tauscher to create Fight Back California, the Super PAC responsible for deploying aggressive, data-driven TV, media, and digital campaigns that flipped 7 Republican-held California Congressional seats in 2018, and earned national press from CNN, Politico and The Hill for a groundbreaking billboard campaign targeting Congressman Devin Nunes.
Last cycle, we handled RCV digital and mail programs on behalf of slate mailer organizations in San Francisco that handily re-elected San Francisco Supervisor Ahsha Safaí, and our digital and micro-targeted bilingual mail on behalf on behalf of the California Association of Realtors helped State Senator Scott Wiener to a second-term win and defeated anti-affordable housing City Council candidates in neighboring Berkeley and San Jose.
In Southern California, our work for Deputy City Attorney Raul Campillo flipped a Republican-stronghold San Diego City Council seat and made him the first Latino in history to represent the district in 2020. We also created the mail for Santa Barbara School Board President Laura Capps in her race for County Supervisor and for her strong first-place finish in a contentious eight-candidate, hotly contested Santa Barbara school board race.

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